

About Me

Hi my name is Connor. I am 12 years old. I am the 2nd to oldest. I have 4 younger brothers and 1 older brother . I love minecraft, computer games and programs. my favorite sport is basketball.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Learning Log Week 12

for math I did k12 I have been doing fractions and measurement.

For language arts I did k12.  I read 30 minutes a day. Minecraft books are my favorite.  I wrote a paper about soccer.

For science I did k12 I  have been learning about rocks and minerals. Igneous rocks come form cooling manga.

MINECRAFT: For minecraft I have been going to tech talk.  I have been working on my Christmas mod. I am going to make a Christmas tree. I am going to make a house that spawns where you spawn with a Christmas tree in it.

PHOTOGRAPHY: for photography I have been taking pictures of my brother and his electricity class. Some family is coming for thanksgiving and I am going to help with family pictures.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Learning Log Week 11

for math I did measurement in story problems with k12. For language arts i did k12. I have been working on vocabulary and spelling. I have also been reading minecraft books. For science i did k12. I have been leaning about glaciers and how they cause erosion. Wind and water can also cause erosion.

MINECRAFT: For minecraft i did some more stuff with eclipse. I found how to make the name for my green present. I am going to make a christmas mod for minecraft. I am making the presents right now. I am going to make a christmas tree for my christmas mod. and maybe some christmas lights.

PHOTOGRAPHY: For Photography i have been taking pictures with different modes. My favorite mode is the sports mode. It is cool how you can take pictures of people running and it is not blurry.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Learning Log Week 10

 For math I did k12.  I learned about fractions.  I like to cook a lot so I already know some things about measuring cups and fractions.
For science I did k12.  I learned about weather conditions.
For language arts I did k12. I read Nature's Way it teaches you how forest frogs can frees a wake up.  Most frogs would die, but they don't.

 MINECRAFT: for minecraft I down loaded a new eclipse. I am trying to find out what is wrong with my other eclipse. It is fun. I am adding the textures for rubys.

PHOTOGRAPHY: For Photography i have been learning about the different was modes work.