

About Me

Hi my name is Connor. I am 12 years old. I am the 2nd to oldest. I have 4 younger brothers and 1 older brother . I love minecraft, computer games and programs. my favorite sport is basketball.

Sunday, November 19, 2017


MATH:For math I have been doing a lot of fractions. They are  really fun, but sometimes hard. I love my math this year.

LANGUAGE ARTS: For language arts  I finished my dog book. I have been doing spelling and writing. The dog book was really cool.

SCIENCE: For science we made a turbine with spoons and marshmellow roosters. It was really fun to pour the water on it. It's crazy how they make power for houses.

MINECRAFT: For minecraft modding I don't have an assignment until january. It's really fun! I love programming.

FRENCH: For french i'm doing Rosetta Stone. I love it. It's make's it so easy to learn a new language.

Monday, November 13, 2017


MATH: For math I am doing fractions. I'm am also doing some algerabra. It's not too hard.

LANGUAGE ARTS: For language arts I am reading a dog book. Dogs are a selection from wolves.  If you want to create your own dog, you need two wolves and about 1,000 years.  I am also doing spelling and writing.

SCIENCE: For science I learned about these things. It's crazy what the earth can do.  Glaciers are ice falling from the mountains.  When some of it breaks off and goes in the ocean it's called an iceberg.  You can see about 10% of icebergs above the water.

MINECRAFT: For Minecraft modding I'm almost done with all of the assignments. It's so fun!  The last thing I did was make candy tools.

FRENCH: For French I'm doing actions right now. Like run, swim Etc. It's really fun!

Friday, November 3, 2017


MATH: For math I was learning about power. like 2 to the 3rd power would be 8. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it.

LANGUAGE ARTS:For language arts I am reading a dog book. I am also doing spelling and writing.  I also did handwriting and grammar.

SCIENCE:For science we learned if you take a dull penny, and put it in salt and vinegar. It will change back to a new penny. The Statue of Liberty is made of copper. But because it's so old it turned green like a really old penny. If someone put salt and vinegar on the Statue of Liberty it would change back to copper.

We also learned saltwater is more dense than fresh water so fresh water floats on top.

MINECRAFT: For minecraft modding my next assignment is in January. It's really fun to make mods.

FRENCH:For French I am doing Rosetta Stone. It is really fun. It makes it easy to learn a language.