

About Me

Hi my name is Connor. I am 12 years old. I am the 2nd to oldest. I have 4 younger brothers and 1 older brother . I love minecraft, computer games and programs. my favorite sport is basketball.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Learning Log Week 29

MATH:  I did Teaching Textbooks.  I'm working on decimals and multiplication and division.

LANGUAGE ARTS:  I'm reading Alchatrez verses the Evil Librarians.  I like it.  I'm writing stuff to put together for my magazine.

SCIENCE:  I did some science on Brainpop.  We missed our normal science because we were sick this week.

GAME DESIGN:  I worked on catching up on some stuff.  I'm almost caught up.

LEGO ROBOTICS:  I need to catch up.  I'm starting to work on some stuff I need to turn in.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Learning Log 28

MATH:For math i am learning about fractions. I have been doing fractions for a while so i think we're going to learn something else next time.

LANGUAGE ARTS:For language arts i am almost done reading fablehaven for the second time. I am also going to start reading percy jackson again.

SCIENCE:For science we learned about plants and animals. We were looking at balls and fruit and trying to put them in the right group. Some of those groups are round, food, green, fuzzy, ect.

GAME DESIGN:For game design i am almost done with an assignment that is late. I need to catch up on game design.

LEGO ROBOTICS:For lego robotics i am going to make a swing set. I will make something else after i do the assignment.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Learning Log 27

MATH:For math i have been learning about word problems. I have been doing decimal word problems. They are hard at first but then they get easy.

LANGUAGE ARTS:For language arts i finished the first percy jackson book. I am also doing spelling and writing.

SCIENCE:For science we learned about DNA. We learned that everybody has different DNA.

GAME DESIGN:For game design i have been working on a game that is late. I am also still making a game but i don't know what it is called.

LEGO ROBOTICS:For lego robotics i am going to catch up because i noticed that i have a lot of assignments. I am also found out that there is an assignment to change your robot so i am going to wait for the assignment to change my robot.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Learning Log Week 26

MATH:For math i have been learning more about decimals. I can't wait until i learn something else but for now just decimals.

LANGUAGE ARTS:For language arts i am reading a new book i don't know how to spell the name though. I am also doing spelling and writing.

SCIENCE:For science we put something on different foods and see what color it changes. Two of them were red and the rest were black.

I also mixed glue and liquid starch and shaped it into a ball and it made a bouncy ball thing.

GAME DESIGN:For game design i am starting on a game that is late. I am a little bit behind on game design.

LEGO ROBOTICS:For lego robotics i am going to make a swing set robot. and i am also going to turn in an assignment for the swing set.