

About Me

Hi my name is Connor. I am 12 years old. I am the 2nd to oldest. I have 4 younger brothers and 1 older brother . I love minecraft, computer games and programs. my favorite sport is basketball.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Learning Log - Week 1 (2015)

MATH:  I learned about number patterns.  you have to find the pattern in them, sometimes it's hard. sometimes it will tell you to say the fifth number in it.  I also did odd and even numbers with big numbers.  I also did place value for numbers in the ten thousands.

LANGUAGE ARTS: I practiced spelling and writing.  I am reading some joke books.  one of the joke are, what is in December that's not in any other month?  The letter D. here's another joke.  What has four eyes and can't see?  The Mississippi.

I'm reading a journal about an alien that dressed up like a human. He asks some funny questions. one is why is toilet paper white?

SCIENCE: We did a experiment we had to look at stuff and see what they have in common.  that's how scientists put plants and animals in different kingdoms.

GAME DESIGN: For game design I finished my ping game.  I learned how to use fusion, it's pretty cool.

LEGO MINESTORM: I built my first lego minestorm there's a video and picture of it at the bottom. I added some stuff on it from the instructions like if it hits the wall it will go forward.

Here's a picture of the first robot I built and a video.

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